The Alessandrino and Bandiera study offers the private ones advice and aid in judicial place of business and extragiudiziale.

- FAMILY AND PEOPLE: consorts' personal separation, divorce, matrimonial agreements, prohibition, inabilitazione, minors' trust, protects before the courts of the minors, adoptions, problems concerning the family, the marriage and the juridical state advice of person.

- SUCCESSIONS: proceedings concerning the tutelage of the straight successors, advice and aid in the editing of wills.

- OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS: advice and aid in the editing of contracts of sale, lease and evictions, comodato, contract and generally all that that (as regards commercial and bank contracts seeing the section dedicated to the enterprises and the banks) concerns the contract activity.

Judicial aid in proceedings concerning the contractual responsibility.

Advice and aid in matter of responsibility of the professional.

- DAMAGES INDEMNITY: advice and judicial aid and extragiudiziale in all the cases being included in the cases in point of illicit fact ( give caused, masters and buyers responsibility, responsibility for lxesercizio of dangerous activities, from incompetent, parents' responsibility give caused from things in custody, give caused from animals, of building, circulation of the vehicles, seeing insurances crashes )

- PROPERTY AND POSSESSION: drive to property and possession tutelage, building property, distances in the buildings, real rights, usufruct, use habitation, enfiteusi, surface, buy of the property to original title, usucapione.

- INSURANCES: judicial aid and extragiudiziale for the indemnity of the damages happened from road accident and accident both in Italy than allxestero, give biological, they give morals, they give from relation life give existential, indemnity of the damage to the survivors in case of dellxassicurato death.

The study makes use of fiduciary its legal doctors' cooperation.

Aid in the editing of the insurance contracts.

Assistance care of the depriving in the above-mentioned fields is taken by avv. Annachiara Bandiera


Straight Of The Controversies Work of both private and public work, settlement attempts in front to the suitable commissions, arbitrated foreseen by the collective contracts, controversies in matter of compulsory previdence and aid.

Avv Annachiara Bandiera cures the right of the work.


Study follows the defence and the constitution of civil part in the criminal proceedings also to load of minors. Avv. Mauro Alessandrino cures the tutelage in criminal field.


The Alessandrino Study and Bandiera provides aid to the athletes and the trainers in order to stipulates of work contracts or the single atleta performances professional. He generally draws up furthermore contracted custom-made standards for gymnasiums or however shopkeepers of sporting plants and he is present the persons in charge in the companies' management and sporting associations. Sporting aid to the athletes and the trainers both in front of the Justice Organs furthermore offers what to the national ordinary courts for the inherent cases the responsibility of the professionals athletes and not, in the world disciplinary, civil and criminal. In particular for the cases of civil and criminal responsibility the study offers aid in judgement to the organizers of sporting events and the shopkeepers of the plants. Dr. internal collaborator Bandiera Marco of the study cures the sporting right